are skunks attracted to bird seed

If you reside in an area that is chock full of diverse wildlife, you may notice the presence of skunks, if not by seeing them but by smelling their unforgettable, unpleasant spraying. The nocturnal creatures are not choosy about sustenance and are often enticed by bird seed of all things.

Skunks are natural scavengers, and are omnivorous animals that will put almost anything they come across into their mouths. The preferred skunk diet includes items such as rodents, birds, bird eggs, insects and moles, according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. In terms of bugs, skunks love to feast a wide array of them, such as beetles, crickets, wasps, grasshoppers and bees. Other relatively common skunk dietary staples include grubs, chipmunks, acorns, snakes, lizards, fruits, turtle eggs, mushrooms, nuts, frogs, toads, spiders and carrion.

Seal Off Potential Den Sites

Skunks like to build their dens in areas that resemble their wild natural habitats. Skunks typically build their dens in grassy fields, fields with a lot of brush, and the edges of forests in the wild. Skunks can stay warm and protected from the weather by digging their dens underground. This also allows them to move around freely, avoid being seen by owls and other flying predators, and be closer to food and water sources.

Install fencing or deck guards to prevent skunks from living under your deck, seal off potential den sites by plugging holes in the ground, and make sure sheds and garages are secure and free of damage where skunks could enter. For information on animal damage services, animal proofing, and pest prevention, contact Critter Wranglers.

Keep your yard clean with weekly maintenance. Your yard will be much more open after clearing out clutter and overgrown plants, trees, and shrubs. This could remove skunks’ potential den sites and hiding places.

5 More Ways to Keep Stinky Skunks Away

Keep the skunks away with these handy hints.

Skunks are omnivorous, naturally occurring scavengers who will eat almost anything they come across. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife states that rodents, birds, bird eggs, insects, and moles are among the foods that skunks prefer to eat. Skunks enjoy eating a variety of insects, including beetles, crickets, wasps, grasshoppers, and bees. Grubs, chipmunks, acorns, snakes, lizards, fruits, turtle eggs, mushrooms, nuts, frogs, toads, spiders, and carrion are some additional relatively common foods that skunks eat.

Skunks do not only live outdoors. Because of their reputation for having easygoing and friendly temperaments, some people even keep the small black and white mammals as pets. If you have a skunk as a pet, never feed him bird seed as this could upset his delicate digestive system. Sunflower seeds are especially problematic. Before creating any meal plans, consult an exotic animal veterinarian if you have any questions about the particular nutritional requirements of your skunk.

Additionally, skunks like to eat bird seed, which can occasionally be an annoyance when it comes to bird feeders. If skunks are a problem in your garden, taking down any bird feeders could help you resolve the problem, especially at night. Moreover, always make sure to thoroughly clean up any fallen bird seed beneath the feeder as soon as you see it.

Skunks are not only partial to bird seed; they also enjoy consuming the young birds and their eggs, especially those that build their nests on the ground. To put it another way, skunks are generally bad news when it comes to anything involving birds.

If you live in a place with a wide variety of wildlife, you might be aware of the presence of skunks—if not by seeing them, then at least by smelling their unpleasant, unforgettable spraying. The nocturnal animals are not picky eaters and are frequently drawn to bird seed among other foods.


How do I keep skunks away from my bird feeder?

Keep the space under the feeder free of food. Just like humans, birds leave a mess when they eat. Some pests eat the spilled birdseed on the ground and don’t venture to the feeder. Keep the area free of food and you’ll see a downturn in unwanted pest traffic.

What draws skunks to your yard?

Skunks are opportunists at heart—they’re mainly attracted to low-hanging fruit like garbage and pet food left out at night, as well as convenient denning sites, such as wood and rock piles, elevated sheds, and openings under concrete slabs and porches and crawl spaces.

Do skunks raid bird feeders?

Are you having a problem with skunks raiding your bird feeders? A skunk will come at dusk and during the night to eat at a bird feeder. A skunk will also tear up your yard looking for grubs. It will look like the yard has been thatched with 1” diameter holes.

What animals does bird seed attract?

But aside from those songbirds, who else is visiting your bird feeder? Well, you might be surprised. Squirrels and possums, along with mice, rats, and other ground-feeding animals are attracted to dropped and scattered seeds.