are safflower seeds good for birds

Are you familiar with the bright, beautiful orange flower that is the safflower? If so, you’re probably aware of its gorgeous hue and the rich flavor safflower oil provides in cooking. But what you may not know is that safflower seeds are also cultivated as precious bird food!

The safflower plant (Carthamus tinctorius) is grown as a crop in many areas throughout the world, including parts of the United States, Canada, India, Mexico, Ethiopia, China, Argentina, and Iran. The gorgeous color and flavorful oil aside, safflower is also an important wild bird feed for various songbirds.

Safflower seeds are small but come with a hard shell that some birds (and pets) find difficult to crack open. This type of wild bird seed is an annual species in the same plant family as the sunflower, which makes it an easy pairing when putting together wild bird feed mixes. The seed itself is white and angular. Size-wise, it’s slightly larger than a popcorn kernel but just smaller than a black oil sunflower seed with a similarly tapered shape.

Safflower seeds aren’t for everyone – in fact, they’re often not even most wild birds’ first choice. Despite being bitter and requiring some work, however, these seeds are a vital part of several birds’ diets. Several types of wild birds that eat safflower seeds include:

So why do birds eat safflower seeds? The nutritional content is pretty impressive. Safflower seeds are so good for birds because of their strong nutritional profile. With 38% fat, 16% protein, and 34% carbohydrates, these seeds provide birds with an exceptional source of energy.

It doesn’t matter that safflower seeds are so small in size; many birds still tend to crack them open to eat them so they can access the seed’s inner meat. Every once in a while, however, you’ll find a bird (like doves) that eats the safflower seed whole.

Why do birders like filling their bird feeders with safflower seed? Arguably the best thing about safflower isn’t even the seed itself; it’s that squirrels don’t like to eat the seeds! Squirrels, grackles (namely blackbirds), starlings, and most other pesky animals steer clear of safflower seeds due to their bitter taste and exceptionally hard shells. Filling your birdfeeder with safflower seeds, or even putting a wild bird feed mix with safflower seeds in it into your feeder is a great way to deter bully birds from dominating your backyard.

Another advantage of safflower seeds for birders is that this is a no-mess bird food. Even the birds that crack open the shells and leave the husks on the ground don’t leave behind the same clutter that would ensue from sunflower seeds. Safflower husks easily blow away in the wind, making them ideal for birders looking to keep their backyards neat and tidy.

Follow these bird feeding tips if you’re new to bringing safflower to your backyard bird feeders:

1) Give it time. Even the birds that are known for eating safflower seeds, like cardinals, may take some time to get accustomed to eating it on a regular basis.

2) Ease safflower seeds into a wild bird seed mix. Consider this as a tip from one bird-feeding family to another: mix safflower in with other wild bird feed or use a pre-made bird seed blend with safflower, like the Valley Farms® Cardinal Mix Wild Bird Food, which includes striped and black oil sunflower seed, buckwheat, and of course safflower seed. Let the birds get used to eating safflower seeds before you fill the whole bird feeder with them.

3) The best type of bird feeder for safflower seeds is a large hopper feeder, tube feeder, or platform feeder. If youre looking to attract cardinals, we suggest a large hopper or a platform feeder over a tube feeder, as they need more space. It’s also fine to scatter the seeds on the ground near shrubs and sheltered areas for ground-feeders.

Ready to experiment with safflower seed? Buy fresh and clean safflower seeds from yours truly. Find it in some of our specialty wild bird seed mixes or get straight safflower seed. Orders yours today!

Many regions of the world, including sections of the United States, Canada, India, Mexico, Ethiopia, China, Argentina, and Iran, cultivate safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) as a crop. Aside from its stunning hue and delicious oil, safflower serves as a vital wild bird food source for a variety of songbirds.

It doesn’t matter that safflower seeds are so small in size; many birds still tend to crack them open to eat them so they can access the seed’s inner meat. Every once in a while, however, you’ll find a bird (like doves) that eats the safflower seed whole.

Safflower seeds are a mess-free bird food, which is an additional benefit for birdwatchers. The mess that would result from sunflower seeds is not even left behind by the birds that break open the shells and drop the husks to the ground. Safflower husks are perfect for birdwatchers who want to maintain a tidy backyard because they readily blow away in the wind.

1) Give it time. It might take some time for even birds that are known to consume safflower seeds, like cardinals, to become used to consuming them frequently.

Safflower seed is a favorite among birdwatchers because squirrels, grackles (blackbirds), starlings, and most other troublesome animals avoid eating it because of its bitter flavor and unusually hard shells. In fact, the best thing about safflower seed is probably not the seed itself! To prevent bully birds from taking over your backyard, try adding safflower seeds to your birdfeeder or using a wild bird feed mix that contains safflower seeds.

Similar to the woodpecker, the early spring is your only opportunity to get a close-up view of the nuthatches as they soar in for a rest. By summer, these nimble little birds will be climbing trees and craning their necks to search for insects. They will hop up and around the vertical surfaces with incredible ease and dexterity.

Woodpeckers visit feeders often in the early spring, before insects begin to emerge, in pursuit of high-protein food sources. A sight to behold when one of these magnificent birds touches down. They will be hopping up and around tree trunks and branches in search of food as the weather warms.

These crimson beauties sing beautiful, warbling songs in the springtime that resemble “Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!” usually from the top of the tallest tree. Look very high to see them perched there before the leaves emerge. Because these year-round visitors don’t migrate, they will always be among your regular visitors as long as your feeders are filled.

The antics of these forest-dwelling jays with their sapphire blue bodies and smoky-black crested heads delight people living west of the Rocky Mountains. While having a picnic, you might notice one or two of these birds hiding in hopes of receiving a handout. They will frequently travel back and forth from the feeder in the fall, which is a reliable indicator that they are filling up their winter cache.


Do birds prefer safflower or sunflower seeds?

When it comes to deterring squirrels and “bully birds,” such as grackles and starlings, safflower seeds may be your secret weapon, because these birds don’t care for their bitter taste. The good news is that plenty of colorful songbirds that love sunflower seeds also get excited about safflower seeds.

Do birds have to crack open safflower seeds?

It doesn’t matter that safflower seeds are so small in size; many birds still tend to crack them open to eat them so they can access the seed’s inner meat. Every once in a while, however, you’ll find a bird (like doves) that eats the safflower seed whole.

Do blue jays and cardinals eat safflower seeds?

Many other birds can be fed using safflower bird seed like Black-headed Grosbeaks, Blue Jays, Downy Woodpeckers, Evening Grosbeaks, Northern Cardinals, Purple Finches, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and, Tufted Titmice. Generally, sunflower seed eating birds will quickly adapt to safflower seeds too.

Do safflower seeds attract mice?

Safflower Seed. Safflower seeds are not enjoyed by squirrels, but mice do enjoy. Safflower seed is taken regularly by chickadee, titmouse, house finch, and cardinal.