are red robin birds rare

Conservation status edit

With an estimated range of 16,000,000 km2 (6,200,000 sq mi), the American robin is a large bird with a population of about 370 million. The western subspecies (T. m. propinquus) in central California is thought to be spreading, as is probably the case across the country. [7] Although extreme weather and climate change pose a threat, the population trend seems stable, and the species does not approach the thresholds for vulnerable species as defined by the population trend criterion ( [1].

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act has protected the bird throughout its range in the United States after it was once slaughtered for its meat. [12].

Description edit Female

The eastern subspecies of the American robin (T. m. migratorius) is 23 to 28 cm (9. 1 to 11. 0 in) long and having a wingspan of between 12 and 16 in (31 to 41 cm), with all subspecies having comparable size ranges. The species averages about 77 g (2. 7 oz), with males weighing between 72 and 94 g (2 5 to 3. 3 oz), with females weighing between 59 and 91 g (2 1 to 3. 2 oz). [12][13] Among standard measurements, the wing chord is 11. 5 to 14. 5 cm (4. 5 to 5. 7 in), the culmen is 1. 8 to 2. 2 cm (0. 71 to 0. 87 in) and the tarsus is 2. 9 to 3. 3 cm (1. 1 to 1. 3 in). [14] The head has white supercilia and eye arcs that range in color from jet black to gray. [15] The belly and undertail coverts are white, and the throat is white with black streaks. The breast of the American robin varies in color from a rich red maroon to a peachy orange, with a brown back. [12] The legs and feet are brown, the bill is primarily yellow with a sporadically dark tip, and the dusky area grows larger in the winter. [15] Fluffed-up American robin.

Although the sexes are similar, females typically have duller coloring than males, with brown upperparts, a brown tint to the head, and less brilliant underparts. But some birds’ plumage is insufficient to determine their gender with accuracy. [7] Juveniles have whitish wing coverts, dark spots on their breasts[12], and a paler color than adult males. [15] Although first-year birds are similar to adults in appearance, they are generally duller and only a small proportion of them still have some juvenile feathers on their wings or other feathers. [15].

Vocalization edit American robin song American robin calls: ‘scold’ call at beginning & ‘alarm’ call at 42s (very end) An adult while making an alarm call

Like many thrushes, the male American robin has a complex, nearly nonstop song. It is frequently characterized as a happy carol composed of distinct sections that are frequently repeated and joined into a string with short breaks in between. [22] The song’s style changes depending on the time of day and its regional variations The singing season lasts from late February or early March to late July or early August, though some birds, especially those in the east, may continue to sing into September or beyond on occasion. They frequently sing early in the morning or a few hours early, and they continue to sing long into the evening. It usually sings from a high perch in a tree. [12] The song of the San Lucas subspecies (T. m. confinis) is weaker than that of the eastern subspecies (T. m. migratorius), and lacks any clear notes. [7].

Additionally, the American robin sings both before and after storms. [48] The species has several calls in addition to its song that it uses to convey particular information, like when a ground predator is nearby or when another American robin or its nest is in immediate danger. Despite their primarily territorial and competitive behavior during the nesting season, they can still form a group to fend off a predator. [7].


Are robin birds rare?

Robins are extremely common in the UK, with an estimated 6,700,000 pairs nesting here. Anyone with a garden can easily attract nesting robins. They like an old wall or open-fronted nest box. They can be seen at any time of year, but in the autumn and winter their beautiful, liquid song is at its most apparent.

What does it mean when a robin visits you?

There are plenty that associate it with happiness, joy, good luck, strong marriages, re-birth and the ending of an old phase with the promise of something new. The well-known phrase, ‘When robins appear, loved ones are near’, alludes to the belief that the robin is a messenger.

What is special about robin bird?

Robins are very popular birds both here in North America, as well as in Europe. In fact, it is the national bird of Great Britain! The male American Robin sings the most beautiful tune… he is often the last bird heard as the sun sets. The American Robin is the state bird for Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Are red breasted robins good luck?

Many people believe that a visit from a Robin is a sign that a lost relative is visiting them, in the spiritual world Robins are viewed as a symbol of visits from our deceased loved ones. The Robin also symbolises new beginnings and life, and is also looked upon by many as a sign of fortune and good luck.