are poinsettias toxic to birds

People who own parrots and other pet birds must be careful regarding the types of plants they allow in their homes, as many common houseplants are highly toxic to birds. Toxicity primarily depends on the plant variety, the size of the bird, and how much the bird ate. Gastrointestinal upset is a common sign that your bird ate something toxic is, and a poisoning can easily turn fatal.

If you think your bird ingested something toxic, call your veterinarian or a poison helpline immediately. Of course, prevention is key. Learn to recognize toxic plants, so your bird can stay safe.

The Truth About 1919

Many sources claim that the myth of the poisonous poinsettia originated in the manner mentioned above, but no one is positive that this is the case. According to one account, this occurred in Mexico, where poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are native. Another said it was Hawaii. Or perhaps it was a young boy? Everyone seems to be in agreement that it happened in 1919.

I believe we can draw the conclusion that no one is truly certain of the myth’s origins. Although it’s possible that someone died from poisoning, we can be fairly certain it wasn’t from consuming a poinsettia.

No! A study looking at 22,793 incidents of eating poinsettia found no fatalities and 96% received no medical treatment at all. The POISONDEX information database, the main poison resource in the US, says that a 50 pound child would need to eat 500 poinsettia leaves to become poisoned. Another source I looked at said that when they tried to find the safe level for poinsettia they gave up trying because the number of leaves you had to eat was to large.

Overindulging in food may result in stomach aches.

Poinsettia sap can make you throw up and irritate your mouth.

Euphorbias include poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), which produces a latex-like substance in its stem and leaves. When it comes into contact with skin, some people experience an allergic reaction (dermal irritation including redness, swelling, and itching).

Owners of parrots and other pet birds need to be cautious about the kinds of plants they bring inside their homes because a lot of common houseplants are extremely harmful to birds. The plant variety, the bird’s size, and the amount of food the bird ate are the main factors that determine toxicity. An eating disorder in your bird is frequently an indication that it consumed something toxic, and poisoning can quickly become lethal.

Please contact your veterinarian or a poison helpline right away if you believe your bird may have consumed anything toxic. Of course, prevention is key. Acquire knowledge about toxic plants to ensure the safety of your bird.

Is the Poinsettia Poisonous to Cats and Dogs?

The poinsettia is mildly toxic to cats or dogs.


Are poinsettias poisonous to parakeets?

Poinsettias have received bad publicity in the past whereas in fact, poinsettias are not very toxic to pets. They do contain a milky sap that can irritate the mouth but if signs develop they are usually mild.

What plants are toxic to birds?

Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana)
Roots, leaves, berries
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)
Stem, leaves, sprouts, green skins
Rhododendron (Rhodedendron simsii), Rhododendron species (Azalea)
All parts
Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.)
All parts

Is Christmas cactus poisonous to birds?

Holiday Plants – Poinsettia, holly, mistletoe, Christmas cactus, and many other plants are often used to decorate our homes during the holiday season. These can be toxic to pet birds. Either avoid them completely, or never allow your bird to be near them unsupervised.

Are peace lilies safe for birds?

Now we do take care when we keep non-bird friendly plants in reach of our birds. In regards ***** ***** from eating Peace Lilies, there are a few. Generally speaking, this plant can cause oral irritation (ie burning of the mouth, gulping, rubbing his mouth, etc) and GI upset.