are orange peels good for birds

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One of my favorite things about our house is that we back up to a wetlands and we can see a lot of wildlife from our back windows. There are so many different types of birds that fly around in our yard and perch on our trees; we even have a pair of sand cranes that hang around in the spring.

We just have tiny trees in our yard since the subdivision is so new, so we were only able to hang one small bird feeder up in our little maple tree. But the birds eat all of the suet in a day or two…and I just can’t justify spending tons of money buying suet for them. So I started thinking of some ways to still be able to feed them since they do provide cheap entertainment for the cats.

I’ve been seeing a lot of the orange peel bird feeders floating around Pinterest, so I thought it would be fun to make something like that to feed the birds. Plus they are small enough that we can hang several on one tree branch.

I mixed the popcorn, birdseed, and peanut butter all together in a bowl. No measuring, just dumped what I thought would be a good amount of each so they would stick together.

I then sliced some clementines in half and scooped out the pulp. Using the paperclips, I poked them through the rind and created little hangers on each side. I cut a short length of string and tied each end to a paperclip.

Using a spoon, I scooped some of the birdseed mixture into the rinds. I had quite a bit left over, so I scattered it on the ground under some of our trees. You could also put it in an container and use it to refill the clementine rinds after the birds snack on their treat.

This would be fun to make with the kids on a rainy day or for a fun little fall project when the birds are looking for seeds & food to get ready for winter. And since I’m the only person who eats popcorn in our house, I always have a bit left in the bag that I don’t want to just throw away.

4. Improves Iron Absorption

Oranges and their peels are rich sources of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron. Non-heme iron is drawn to the body by vitamin C, which then stores it in a form that is readily absorbed. Iron is essential for a parrot because it prevents anemia. If the veterinary determines that your parrot has anemia, they may suggest adding orange peels to its diet to provide vitamin C.

The taste of vitamin and mineral supplements added to their water does not sit well with these birds. Thus, this is a great method for them to get the vital vitamins and minerals they require.

How Can a Parrot Eat Orange Peels?

Numerous parrots that we have as pets are native to areas where wild citrus fruits are grown. Furthermore, for thousands of years, people have grown various citrus varieties in some of these regions. Hookbills enjoy visiting plantations to graze on the fruits, much to the chagrin of farmers.

The acidity of oranges and other citrus fruits can be tolerated by the birds’ palate, and they have appropriate enzymes to aid in the digestion of the orange pulp and peel. Because of this, pet parrots can happily eat fruits like oranges, even the peels.

You may already be aware that you should limit the amount of fruit you feed your pet parrot. Fruit feeding has several advantages because it is rich in important micronutrients, but there are also serious drawbacks. For instance, oranges have a high acidity and excessive sugar content, which can lead to diabetes.

Orange peels are a great substitute for orange pulp, which has a lot more sugar. The peels still have the necessary vitamins and minerals in them despite having much less sugar in them. They do have that typical citrus flavor, and their vibrant colors tend to appeal to parrots. Parrot Eating Orange Peels.

How to feed orange peels to your parrot

• Grated: Grate the orange peel and add some of it to the bird’s feeder; • Integrated into its water/food: Blend some of the peel and add it to the bird’s food or water. • Whole: Simply remove the peel and place it in the bird’s cage where it will peck at it.


How do you prepare oranges for birds?

Cut an orange in half. You need only one half at a time. 2. Decide on a good site—somewhere you can place the orange securely, so it doesn’t fall over.

Is orange peel safe for parrots?

Is it safe for them? Parrots can eat orange peels only if they are soft and in moderation. Orange peels are a healthy source of vitamins and minerals for parrots. Many parrots will peck away at the peels, breaking them apart into small bits to eat.

Are oranges healthy for birds?

Not only do oranges taste great, but they are packed with a super dose of Vitamin C, which can help build your bird’s immune system.