are early birds more productive

Who are early birds/morning larks?

People who rise with the sun and discover that they work best in the morning are known as early birds, also sometimes called morning larks. Early in the day is usually when they are most productive, and in the afternoon and evening, it gradually decreases. Early birds are usually in bed by 11 p. m. when night owls, their counterparts, achieve their maximum productivity

The morning lark/night owl division is based on the circadian rhythm — the 24-hour inner clock, governing our sleep and wake cycle. When we feel our most energized self will determine which group we belong to.

Leave a clean workspace for your morning self

Try your best to leave a tidy desk for your future self when you finish your work for the day.

It’s a practice you do at the end of the workday to slightly increase your productivity. A disorganized workspace gives off the idea of incomplete work and makes you think of the previous day. A tidy desk, on the other hand, represents a fresh start for the day.

The hypocrisy of an alarm clock

We take great satisfaction in rising with the sun—or even before it. However, I started to doubt this pride after reading a forum post on the subject: how can you call yourself a morning person if you require an alarm clock to wake you up?

This made me consider how our bodies’ circadian rhythm is meant to regulate our sleep-wake cycle. I previously mentioned that I wake up at around 7 a.m. Are larks’ bodies really built differently, or are we just forcing them into a lark schedule? m, and accepted it as me being an early bird. However, I also have an alarm clock (which I regret having) and a little dog that wakes me up in the morning demanding to go for a walk in the bathroom. Sometimes even as early as 6 a. m.

Experts suggest going to bed and waking up when you feel tired, without setting an alarm, in order to determine your actual circadian rhythm. After a week of doing this, record the hour you typically wake up and the hour you feel like going to bed.

I’ve looked everywhere, but there aren’t any traditional “downsides” to being an early riser.

Before you brag about it, though, keep in mind that, although being an early riser doesn’t always translate into health problems, there are instances when it does.

This may especially be the case if you don’t really feel the energy surge in the morning. Or, if you are constantly tired, and if it takes a lot for you to get going. Sometimes, it’s not your body’s internal clock waking you up, but a sleep disturbance. Waking up early could also be caused by:

  • Insomnia from stress, mental illness, side-effects from some medication, etc;
  • Physical conditions such as sleep apnea or thyroid dysfunction;
  • Changes in work shifts, or
  • Your sleep cycle is simply changing with your age.

Checking to see if any of the conditions listed above could be the reason you wake up early is probably a good place to start.


Are early birds more successful?

The reasons for morning people being more successful seem to be linked to their general attitude and mindset. A Harvard biologist, Christoph Randler, did some research on this and concluded that early birds are generally more proactive, and this results in higher levels of productivity.

Are early risers more productive?

Key Takeaways. Increased Productivity: Early risers tend to report higher productivity levels compared to late risers, with those waking up as early as 4 a.m. being the most productive.

Who is more productive night owls or early bird?

Productivity: While night owls and early birds are both productive during their respective peak hours, night owls tend to be more productive, especially at night. Wealth: Overall, night owls tend to be wealthier than morning birds, earning a higher salary and having greater access to a car.

Why is early bird better?

Early risers tend to have lower overall stress and a better ability to cope with challenges. Waking before the typical pressures of workday mornings kick in gives early birds time for centering routines, which prevents anxiety spikes later on, says the expert.