are birds of paradise drought tolerant

I’m in Las Vegas, planted these in May, together with some other plants. Irrigation is working fine, but we ARE having a particularly hot summer this year. They are in full sun, extreme heat and almost no humidity (once we fill out the pool it should get a little more humid in the backyard I hope). Was it a bad idea to go with birds of paradise in the first place, or did I mess up? Wondering if I should replace them and try again or just go with something more drought tolerant?

These and a few other plants were planted in May by me while I was in Las Vegas. Although the irrigation system is operating effectively, this summer has been exceptionally hot. They are in direct sunlight, intense heat, and nearly no humidity (I hope the backyard will become slightly more humid once we fill the pool). Was it a mistake to plant birds of paradise in the first place, or did I make a mistake? I’m not sure if I should try something more drought-tolerant instead of replacing the birds of paradise.

Birds Of Paradise Have Wild Foliage

You have probably noticed that the foliage of a Bird of Paradise is singularly beautiful: huge, for one thing, but also fluttery, feathery and frayed. This is normal! Bird of Paradise leaves naturally create splits, frays and coils as they grow. This is an evolutionary feature, adapted by the plant to allow its foliage to dance in the wind, rather than be damaged by gusts. These splits and frays will occur whether your Bird of Paradise is placed indoors or outdoors, so expect it from the outset. We think that these imperfections are perfect- and they’re definitely perfectly natural! But if you don’t like wild leaves, you might want to try a plant with more straightforward foliage. A Rubber Tree, perhaps.

How To Select A Healthy, Gorgeous Bird of Paradise

Regardless of where you buy your Bird of Paradise, it’s critical to choose a vendor you can trust Do your homework—it’s actually enjoyable! Reputable retailers and merchants will have glowing testimonials and attentive, knowledgable customer support representatives. If you choose to purchase your Bird of Paradise from a store, look for insects, sticky sap, and browning leaves on the plants you are considering. This plant isn’t for you if it looks stressed or unhealthy.


How long can birds of paradise go without water?

Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings.

Are birds of paradise drought resistant?

Birds of Paradise are conveniently drought-resistant.

Do birds of paradise like to dry out?

Birds of Paradise enjoy moist (but not soggy) soil, and being allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Try not to let the soil dry completely through the pot, but also avoid overwatering. Allow the top 2″ – 3″ of the soil to become dry between waterings, but below that should remain moist.

How much water does a Bird of Paradise need?

How often to water your Bird of Paradise. Bird of Paradise needs 0.8 cups of water every 9 days when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5.0″ pot.