are birds hard to care for

You Don’t Like Mess

Parrots are messy. They gnaw on their food, dropping half of it onto the bottom of the cage. Unavoidably, a large portion of it gets stuck on perches or the floor surrounding the cage. Some birds make even more mess out of their wasted food by dipping it in the water cup before eating it. Toys are also shredded and strewn all over the place by numerous large parrots. If having a pet parrot bothers you, choose a meticulously clean pet rat or cat instead. : Suwat Sirivutcharungchit / Shutterstock.

Parrots require fresh water every day (they usually contaminate it with food or feces, so a daily water change is necessary), so they can’t be left alone for longer than a day or two, unlike reptiles or some other kinds of pets. Additionally, many will exhibit behavioral issues, like biting, if they are kept in their cages for extended periods of time without being attended to. It would therefore be best to select a different, less socially demanding pet if you travel frequently unless you have a caregiver who will visit every day to play with the bird. : Zurijeta / Shutterstock.

Socializing with Your Bird around the House

  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/c/c6/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-24. jpg/v4-460px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-24. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/c/c6/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-24. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-24. Find a veterinarian with the necessary training to work with birds. jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 1 Before bringing your bird home, have it examined, and then on a regular basis after that. Your bird should have a yearly examination by the veterinarian. Verify the veterinarian’s qualifications before choosing one because not all doctors are licensed to treat birds or have much experience doing so. If your bird becomes ill, take it to the veterinarian right away. The sooner the veterinarian sees the bird, the better, as birds can become even sicker very quickly.
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/5/50/Clean-a-Birdcage-Step-12. jpg/v4-460px-Clean-a-Birdcage-Step-12. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/5/50/Clean-a-Birdcage-Step-12. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Clean-a-Birdcage-Step-12. water in a big enough container for self-cleaning (jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 2) Birds are fully capable of handling their own grooming. If the bird’s water bowl is big enough for it to use as a bath, it will probably clean itself in it. Additionally, during warmer weather, birds take baths to stay cool, so make sure to have water available for them to use. Put the bird outside during hot weather, either in its cage or perched (it should only be outside of its cage if its wings are clipped to prevent it from flying away). Squirt the bird with water from a spray bottle. Birds love the cooling sensation. If the weather is bad, you can purchase a suction cup-mounted perch for your shower wall and let the bird take a bath inside.
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/6/65/Clean-and-Maintain-a-Lovebird-Habitat-Step-12. jpg/v4-460px-Clean-and-Maintain-a-Lovebird-Habitat-Step-12. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/6/65/Clean-and-Maintain-a-Lovebird-Habitat-Step-12. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Clean-and-Maintain-a-Lovebird-Habitat-Step-12. jpg”,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 3 Daily cage cleaning Maintaining a clean cage lowers your bird’s risk of contracting bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. It’s critical to regularly remove bird droppings to preserve the health of your birds. [15] Compared to a bird living in filth, a clean-living bird is typically more active and content. To keep the cage clean: Change the bedding regularly. Remove droppings from perches/toys. Take out any food that has gone bad that has been collecting at the cage’s base. If your bird is molting, which happens frequently with parrots, for example, you will need to vacuum up the molted feathers every day; this usually happens during a warm spell. Only clean with basic, non-toxic cleaning supplies. Because birds can easily become poisoned, make sure a product is safe for them before using it.
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/7/7e/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-2-Version-2. jpg/v4-460px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-2-Version-2. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/7/7e/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-2-Version-2. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-2-Version-2. jpg”,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 4 Only clip a bird’s wings when absolutely necessary This is crucial for certain birds, like parrots, to avoid catastrophic or deadly flying mishaps when indoors or in cages. If this is a requirement for your bird, discuss it with your veterinarian and find a qualified person to complete the task, if necessary. A bird’s wings won’t usually need to be clipped. [16] Only the primary flight feathers are targeted for trimming, and the trimmer needs to be knowledgeable about what to do because the goal of trimming is to restrict flight, not to prevent it. Trimming the bird’s toenails may also be necessary, particularly for larger adult birds. Since birds require their toenails to stay on their perches, they are typically left untrimmed on baby or small birds. However, adult parrots’ toenails, for instance, ought to be clipped. Ask your veterinarian to explain how to do this safely.
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/6/6d/Raise-a-Mynah-Bird-Step-5. jpg/v4-460px-Raise-a-Mynah-Bird-Step-5. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/6/6d/Raise-a-Mynah-Bird-Step-5. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Raise-a-Mynah-Bird-Step-5. jpg”,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 5 Recognize the symptoms of a bird that is overheated or underheated. The symptoms of being either too hot or too cold are common in birds, and you need to address either condition as soon as possible to prevent the bird from dying. Generally speaking, indoor temperatures of roughly 70 °F (21 °C) are preferred by most breeds of pet birds. A bird that is overheated will have hot feet, be panting (breathing quickly), fluttering from the throat, red nares (nasal openings), and hot breath, among other symptoms. These indications all point to an emergency, so you need to get in touch with the veterinarian right away. When a bird is freezing, it will hunch down, cover its feet with feathers, and fluff up its feathers. Place the bird in a warmer location, check for drafts, and remove it from a cold room or area. In the winter, windows can be a source of cold air.
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  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/4/47/House-Lovebirds-Step-1. jpg/v4-460px-House-Lovebirds-Step-1. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/4/47/House-Lovebirds-Step-1. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-House-Lovebirds-Step-1. Get a sizable cage for the bird to live in.jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 1 Choose the largest cage your housing space can hold because birds do best in large cages. As a general guideline, the cage’s width ought to be at least twice the bird’s wingspan. For certain birds, having a healthy living space inside the cage may depend on their ability to fly short distances. Other generally accepted specifications are as follows: the bars of the cage shouldn’t be too small, as the birds’ talons could become entangled in or on them if the bar wires or lengths are too small. Likewise, the bars shouldn’t be so big that a bird’s head gets stuck or that bird can squeeze through and get away. The bigger the space in the cage, the better. Larger bird cages are more expensive and require more maintenance, but if you don’t have the time to take the bird outside for exercise or aren’t home frequently, the bird needs plenty of room in their cage. Small cages can lead to behavior problems.
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/a/a9/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-5-Version-2. jpg/v4-460px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-5-Version-2. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/a/a9/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-5-Version-2. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-5-Version-2. Select a rectangular cage for your bird. jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 2 Circle cages are bad for the bird. The bird has very little room, and there are no safe havens. Furthermore, the bird will often twist its head in response to the circle, which may lead to behavioral issues. Avoid purchasing doors with guillotine-style hardware because birds can more easily escape from them. Advertisement .
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/e/e7/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-14. jpg/v4-460px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-14. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/e/e7/Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-14. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Introduce-Two-Birds-to-Each-Other-Step-14. When housing multiple birds, make sure the space is more than sufficient. jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 3 Never house more than one bird in a small cage. The more birds being kept, the larger the cage needs to be because birds require space to flee, forage, retreat, and be apart from other birds. It is more appropriate to keep multiple birds at once in aviaries, which are large cages similar to small sheds. [2] If you are raising different species of birds, you must ensure that the creatures get along with one another.
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/2/20/House-Lovebirds-Step-8. jpg/v4-460px-House-Lovebirds-Step-8. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/2/20/House-Lovebirds-Step-8. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-House-Lovebirds-Step-8. Make sure the cage is placed in a warm and comfortable area. jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 4 Cages ought to be kept inside, preferably in a space that sees a lot of movement. Since birds are social creatures, isolating them in a room will make them unhappy. Additionally, keep in mind that you will be cleaning out the cage often, so hang it in a location that is convenient for you. [3] Hanging caged birds are frequently taken outside to hang under porches or other similar structures for daytime access to fresh air. Never forget to let the bird back inside before the crisp night air and evening breezes arrive. The disposition of the bird will also influence where the cage is located. A more timid bird might be better off being kept somewhere calmer and away from the bustle, even though it would still be able to interact with the family. A more gregarious bird might enjoy being the center of attention and witnessing constant human traffic. An area with part of the back of their cage covered or a corner of a room may be more comfortable for anxious birds. Avoid placing a cage in front of a window permanently. The bird may become anxious because it will be constantly alert for “enemies.” Placing a cage up against a wall can help a bird become less concerned about potential predators.
  • {“smallUrl”:”https://www. wikihow. com/s/thumb/f/fa/Set-Up-a-Bird-Cage-Step-9. jpg/v4-460px-Set-Up-a-Bird-Cage-Step-9. jpg”,”bigUrl”:”/s/thumb/f/fa/Set-Up-a-Bird-Cage-Step-9. jpg/aid307555-v4-728px-Set-Up-a-Bird-Cage-Step-9. Put some old magazine papers on the bottom of the cage. jpg”,”smallWidth”:460,”smallHeight”:345,”bigWidth”:728,”bigHeight”:546,”licensing”:”License: Creative Commons</a> </p> </p></div>”} 5 This makes cleaning up much simpler because you can easily throw away the papers and set fresh ones down for use the following day. Have a supply of paper goods on hand; outdated newspapers and junk mail are also useful. Sand, wood chips, or cat litter can be used to line the bottom of your bird cage if you’d like to use a more conventional method of lining it for waste removal.
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