are bells bad for birds

Birds can be like toddlers: They are both very oral and like to check things out by putting them in their mouths. Just like children, when pet birds are out unsupervised, this habit of tasting things can get them into trouble. As an avian veterinarian, I treat birds every week for getting into toxic substances. Though some foods and objects are clearly potentially toxic to birds, there are others that might not be so obvious. Also, what may be toxic to one bird species may not be to another. Despite some variability in species susceptibility to certain toxins, as well as a lack of scientific studies proving the toxicity of certain substances in birds that are definitely toxic to mammals, there are some items to which birds should never have access. Here are perhaps the top 10 toxins for which I treat bird patients in my veterinary practice.

The safety of any bird toy depends on how your bird uses it. I’ve witnessed birds suffer injuries from toys or clips that were thought to be safe for parrots. But toys are a very important enrichment item. To decide if a particular toy is the right kind for your bird, you must watch how it is used by your bird. There is a lot of misinformation. When a toy hurts someone’s bird, the owner immediately posts a warning about how dangerous the toy is online. If that was the rule, no bird toy is safe. It seems that certain birds always seem to get into trouble when they play. Additionally, some birds can play with toys that are known to be dangerous without risk. It is imperative that the toy is suitable for the size and kind of bird. Indeed, certain bells contain parts that could injure a bird if it’s too big to play with that kind of bell. However, even the largest parrots can safely enjoy some very safe bell designs. While some birds may find metal chains dangerous, many parrots have played with toys on them for decades without any problems. The key is always the bird and his habits, as well as the owner’s awareness of what the bird is doing. Keeping an eye on things and using common sense are key to keeping your birds safe. It’s much like what Dr. Tully said about medications. The good needs to outweigh the possible down side. We can’t bubble wrap our birds. They require activities that will keep their bodies and minds active. The average parrot owner is not home all day. You locate toys that are well-known to be safe, watch your bird, and figure out what he can play with safely and what he’s more likely to damage himself on.

5. Onions and Garlic

These delicious spices, which are thought to be heart-healthy for humans, are well-known to be poisonous to dogs and cats and have killed geese and other house birds. Cooked, raw, or dehydrated onions all contain sulfur compounds that, when chewed, can rupture red blood cells and result in anemia (insufficient red blood cell production). Additionally, onions can cause ulcers by irritating a bird’s crop, esophagus, and mouth. Allicin, a substance found in garlic, can occasionally cause anemia in birds. Birds are best described as bland; avoid giving your birdie spices.

1. Heavy Metals, Especially Lead, Zinc and Copper

Metals are present in all parts of our surroundings and are a frequently disregarded cause of poisoning in companion birds. Metals are present in paint, linoleum, solder, wire, zippers, twist ties, and a variety of other items that birds enjoy biting into. Lead has been discovered in some older bird toys, particularly the clappers on metal bells. Birds that gnaw on a metal zipper, nibble on the solder of a stained glass Tiffany lamp, chip away at a lead-painted windowsill over time, or lick a metal bell toy are continuously consuming heavy metals and may get drunk from them. These metals can harm nerves and result in vomiting, poor digestion, imbalance, clenched toes, and even seizures if consumed in sufficient amounts. If detected in time to prevent irreversible nerve damage, the majority of heavy metal poisoning cases in birds are curable. However, unless the owner of the bird claims that the bird has been exposed, these metals are not routinely tested for in birds. Therefore, it could mean the difference between life and death if you inform your veterinarian right away if you believe your bird has consumed any of these substances.

A fatty acid derivative called persin is found in many parts of the avocado plant, but it is most concentrated in the leaves. Persin has been linked to heart failure, respiratory distress, and sudden death in a number of bird species. Given that some bird species, like lories, have consumed avocado without incident, it’s plausible that some avocado varieties are safe for them. But since it’s unclear which avocado varieties are suitable for different species, it’s best to be cautious and avoid giving your bird guacamole.

While caffeine might make you feel better, it will definitely make your bird feel worse. Although it may be tempting to give your bird caffeine-filled beverages like coffee, tea, and soda, even a few sips can be very dangerous for your feathered friend. In birds, caffeine may result in hyperactivity, arrhythmias, elevated heart rate, and even cardiac arrest. Therefore, keep him heart healthy by sticking to water and sporadic sips of safe fruit drinks like apple or cranberry juice.

are bells bad for birds

Like us, many birds love chocolate. But chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea in birds. Even worse, chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which can kill birds by raising their heart rates, inducing tremors and seizures, and increasing their hyperactivity. Darker chocolate generally contains more cacao, which are the seeds that contain theobromine and caffeine, and is therefore more toxic to pets. Give your birds a sweet fruit treat, such as a slice of ripe banana or some juicy grapes, and keep the chocolate for yourself. You will be doing your birds a favor.


Are toys with bells safe for birds?

It is important for the toy to be appropriate for the size and species of bird. Yes, some bells have parts that can harm a bird if the bird is too large to be playing with that type of bell. But there are some very safe bell designs that can be safely enjoyed by even the largest parrots.

Do birds like the sound of bells?

Ever passed a tree filled with a large flock of birds? Typically you will hear lots of chirping and squawking. If an aerial predator flies by like a hawk the flock will go silent. Bells add a happy effect to the lives of birds.

Are bells good for cockatiels?

Small, medium and large breeds of pet birds all love to make noise and play with new toys. With a base diameter of 1.1” (2.9cm), the bird bell toy is the most appropriate for small birds like lovebirds, budgies, cockatiels and parakeets. These little flying friends like to sit atop the bell and climb up the chain.

What toys are safe for birds?

Stainless steel, natural non-toxic wood, rope, and acrylic make great materials for toys. Indestructible toys go against a bird’s nature and are boring. Birds love to destroy things. Appropriate chewable objects include untreated wood blocks, branches, pinecones, rawhide, natural fiber rope, cloth, and soft pine.